The Maze - How it works

The Golden Key

an illustration of the Gherkin

The Maze

How it works

Bring your smartphone. Bring your headphones.

There are 12 adventures to enjoy. Each begins at a red door marked on the map, and ends in a secret location with a surprise.

Each adventure, including the end surprise will take no more than 1 hour. Here is what you will need:

  • 1. Get your smartphone: you will need a charged smartphone - either per person or per group - to guide you, with access to mobile data. If you have headphones, take them too, but you can enjoy the adventure without. Headphone splitters and spare headphones will be provided for families for Animals in the City.

  • 2. Check the age guidance: the adventures are open to be enjoyed by ages 8+, but some have age restrictions (Share Mile and Epic Investment are 18+)

  • 3. Check accessibility details: most adventures have step-free access, but a handful of them end at historical locations that are not accessible to wheelchair users. (The Future Gondolier and A Resting Place). Please contact us if you have particular access requirements and we will endeavour to assist.

  • 4. Find the red door: explore the map, choose one of the start locations and head there. Look for a red, wooden door.

  • 5. Get the key: when you find the red door, a door keeper will invite you to scan a QR code or send a text message to open the adventure online. There is no app to download and standard messaging and data costs apply.

  • 6. Join the adventure: you will then be guided on a walking adventure. We recommend you bring headphones, but each adventure will have both audio and captions.

Explore the map to discover the adventure that is right for you.

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