<main class="landing">
<div class="landing-wrapper">
<img src="./coney-logo-white.jpg" class="logo "><h1 id="coderesult" class="code-title">Enter codeword:</h1>
\ <div id="resultbutton">
\<div class="css-input code-input">\
<<textbox "$codeword" "">></div>
<<button "Enter">>
\ <<set $codeword to $codeword.toUpperCase()>>
<<if $codeword isnot "" and $codeword is "PLAYTEST">>
<<replace "#coderesult">>
<</replace>><<replace "#resultbutton">><</replace>>
<<goto [[glitch]]>>
<<if $codeword isnot "" and $codeword is not "PLAYTEST">>
<<replace "#coderesult">>Thats not right.<</replace>>
<</if>><</button>><iframe id="iframeAudio" src="https://youhavefoundconey.net/CG/assets/audio/static.mp3" style="display:none" allow="autoplay" ></iframe>
<div class="filmgrain"></div>
<div class="glitch-shape1"></div>
<div class="glitch-shape2"></div>
<div class="glitch-shape3"></div>
<<timed 12s>>
<<goto "1">>
<</timed>><iframe id="iframeAudio" src="https://youhavefoundconey.net/CG/assets/audio/static.mp3" style="display:none" allow="autoplay" ></iframe>
<div class="filmgrain"></div>
<div class="glitch-shape1"></div>
<div class="glitch-shape2"></div>
<div class="glitch-shape3"></div>
<<timed 12s>><<goto "landing">><</timed>><main class="main-section">
<p>Hello – thanks for finding your way here.
You may be new to Coney, or you may have met us recently at one of the Taster Days.
In fact, let’s start with that.
Have you met Coney before?
[[No, who are you? -> 2]]
[[Yes, we met before -> 3]]
</main><main class="main-section">
Coney, are interactive theatre makers, we make games and adventures, where the audience play.
We make play to spark change.
We do this with people all over the world.
And this Summer we are hoping to work with you.
<<timed 5s>> <<button "Next">> <<goto "3">><</button>><</timed>>
</main><main class="main-section">
So, you are here because you are thinking about coming to the Summer project we are running at Peckover House.
Thanks for being here so far.
So, let’s see what you know?
A game to start.
You can totally cheat and google these answers. We’re not going to check.
<<timed 5s>><<button "Next">><<goto "Q1">><</button>><</timed>>
</main><main class="main-section">
Peckover House was Wisbech’s first official….?
<<button "Crisp Factory">><<replace "#feedback">>Incorrect. Try Again.<</replace>><</button>>
<<button "Umbrella Merchant">><<replace "#feedback">>Incorrect. Try Again.<</replace>><</button>>
<<button "Bank">><<replace "#feedback">>Correct!<</replace>><<timed 2s>><<goto"Q2">><</timed>><</button>>
<div id="feedback"></div>
</main><main class="main-section">
The Peckovers were staunch…?
<<button "Wrestling Fans">><<replace "#feedback">>Incorrect. Try Again.<</replace>><</button>>
<<button "Quakers">><<replace "#feedback">>Correct!<</replace>><<timed 2s>><<goto"Q3">><</timed>><</button>>
<<button "Vegetarians">><<replace "#feedback">>Incorrect. Try Again.<</replace>><</button>>
<div id="feedback"></div>
</main><main class="main-section">
A hard one, what business did Jonathan Peckover start with?
<<button "Grocery Business">><<replace "#feedback">>Correct!<</replace>><<timed 2s>><<goto"4">><</timed>><</button>>
<<button "Sandwich Shop">><<replace "#feedback">>Incorrect. Try Again.<</replace>><</button>>
<<button "Pet Groomer">><<replace "#feedback">>Incorrect. Try Again.<</replace>><</button>>
<div id="feedback"></div>
</main><main class="main-section">
Interesting answers... we hope.
We can’t tell, as this is pre-written.
But you knew that.
<<timed 5s>> <<button "Next">> <<goto "5">><</button>><</timed>>
</main><main class="main-section">
We’ll be making a game with local young people, like you, about Peckover House.
We’ve been asked to go there to hear what young people like you think about it and what you think we should make on the site.
<<timed 5s>><<button "Next">><<goto "6">><</button>><</timed>>
</main><main class="main-section">
We might make something about what you like about the place, what inspires you or what you are annoyed about.
We have no idea yet as we haven’t met you.
We’ll work it out together over the week.
<<timed 6s>><<button "Next">><<goto "7">><</button>><</timed>>
</main><main class="main-section">
It’ll be for one whole week and by the end of the week we will have made something together.
We’ll share whatever we make through a PlayTest – see now you see where the name comes from.
<<timed 5s>><<button "Next">><<goto "8">><</button>><</timed>>
</main><main class="main-section">
We’ll do that with different digital tools too. Like online like this
Even by
Wait... I’ll show you
Text (not WhatsApp) the word SPONGE to 07400179362.
Why Sponge?
No idea - just thought it might be a word you don’t normally text.
<<timed 5s>><<button "I've text">><<goto "glitch2">><</button>><</timed>>